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Big King成立於2009年,主要從事於東南亞進口商品販售,第一家商店位於台中市,之後陸續於桃園市以及高雄市、台南市開設分店,提供給來台灣工作的外籍人士方便購買的日常用品以及食品。
Founded in 2009, Big King is mainly engaged in the sale of imported goods in Southeast Asia. The first store is located in Taichung City, and then branches in Taoyuan City, Kaohsiung City and Tainan City have been opened successively to provide expats who come to work in Taiwan with convenient daily purchases. Supplies and food. The most important thing is to allow Southeast Asian migrant workers to find familiar hometown flavors in Taiwan, and hope to serve the Taiwanese market on the Internet. Taiwanese people who like Southeast Asian food can buy food and ingredients of different countries' tastes.